Further Evidence
Part 1 of my report (pp.1-46) presents a chronological account of the symptoms I have experienced since the time of my tonsillectomy operation in 1967, in the context of my family history throughout the intervening period. This includes an account of events surrounding the mysterious death of my father, shortly after his suspicions were aroused over the propriety of that operation, in 1968 (see the Evidence section of the report, pp.7-10). Before my own suspicions over the tonsillectomy were first aroused in 2001 these symptoms remained largely a mystery to me, as well as resisting any adequate explanation in terms of conventional medical diagnosis. The prima facie MRI evidence confirming these suspicions has been in my possession only since December 2010 – see Part 2 of my report, pp.48-69). Between 1967 until at least the year 2001, in the absence of evidence of an illicit surgical implantation, there was no available connective causal explanation for an array of decidedly anomalous and incongruous symptoms that have effectively disabled me throughout my life.

One of these symptoms, of which I obtained x-ray evidence in the year 2000, is that of a spinal curvature, or scoliosis (see image), which developed in my adolescence. In medical terms this is defined as an idiopathic rather than a congenital scoliosis, which means that the cause of the deformity is not necessarily identifiable, though it is understood to be caused by an extraspinal influence not present at birth, but which arises at some point during childhood or adolescence. A fuller discussion of this phenomenon, in the context of other symptoms associated with this part of my anatomy is given in pp.17-20 & 29-31 of my report. That part of the report was first written in 2003 and included my speculations about the possible existence of an illicit implant in the region of my thoracic spine. Those speculations may now be confirmed by the evidence of the latest MRI scan of my thoracic cavity made in July 2020, which shows an object with a ‘tubular’ appearance to the immediate right of the spine, in a vertical position corresponding approximately to the apex of the scoliotic curve – MRI image – although it is suspected that this object may have become accidentally detached from its original position. This scan is discussed in detail at: C-Spine MRI Scan (July 2020).
There were two earlier MRI scans made of my thoracic spine and whole spine in 2015. However, these were largely limited to scans covering the width of the spinal column only, rather than the wider thoracic cavity. All three spinal MRI scans are discussed in detail on pp.72-82 of my report, and the full scans are available to download on the Full MRI Scan Downloads page, for those with the relevant expertise. Below, I have suggested a possible explanation for the spinal scoliosis, in the context of my other symptoms.
A further anomaly is that I experienced unexplained changes in my immune and endocrine systems following my tonsillectomy operation, which is indicated firstly by the development of hay fever in the summer of 1968 (the year immediately following the operation), and also by the development of the shingles virus at the early age of ten. Shingles usually occurs in later life, as a consequence of earlier primary chicken pox infection, following which the latent varicella zoster virus lies dormant in the dorsal root ganglia of the spinal cord. While this is normal, the disease occurs due to the dormant virus being reactivated in later life in the case of abnormal stress and/or immunodeficiency. Shingles at such a young age normally only occurs where the immune system has been compromised by another prior attendant major infection – but such an infection does not appear in my medical history (see report, pp.14-15). The shingles occurred bilaterally in my thoracic area only; while I understand that it frequently occurs in patients in the lower torso area.
My report details an array of symptoms, including those mentioned above, not all of which are especially remarkable, if they are taken in isolation. These include: persistent daily headaches, anxiety, recurring nightmares, neurological abnormalities, cognitive deficiency, fatigue syndrome, and behavioural abnormalities, with varying degrees of seriousness, but beginning, significantly, in the period immediately following my tonsillectomy, i.e, from age six onwards. It is the combination of these symptoms, and the interrelatedness of physiological and psychological symptoms, as well as their precise historical emergence, that are particularly striking.
In my research over the previous decade, I noticed the degree of frequency with which recent research has associated the kind of symptoms listed above with human exposure to radio-frequency radiation (RFR, or electromagnetic radiation – EMR). This is dealt with in greater detail in the report (pp.26-32), and also in the RFR section of this site. What is important to note here is the effect of low-intensity RFR on human physiology to produce non-thermal effects upon the body’s hypersensitive regulatory mechanisms, i.e., upon the balance of homeostasis; and to induce stress responses upon the central nervous system, equivalent to those induced by excessive noise or bodily restraint. These may occur independently, and in addition to, any direct tissue-heating (thermal) effect – for instance those effects typically identified from the proximate use of mobile phones, and which have been measured in terms of ‘SARs’ (specific aborption rates).
Typical non-thermal effects have been identified as: “Neurological effects, such as headache, sleep disturbance, concentration disturbance, short-term memory loss…” [Dr Neil Cherry, Health Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation].1
Interestingly, Dr Cherry also notes the following as effects of exposure to RFR/EMR:
“..increase in sickness for Musculoskeletal system and other organs, including: Loss of part extremities, osteomyelitis and neoplasms of bone or muscle [...] Cardiovascular system [and] mental disorders, including psychoses, psychoneurotic disorders and so-called “psychophysiologic disorders”.” [Ibid.] (my emphasis)
In addition to these findings, research conducted by Dabrowski et al. (also quoted in the RFR section), suggests there are immunotropic effects from human exposure to low-level microwave fields:
“Blood mononuclear cells from healthy donors were exposed to 1300 MHz pulse-modulated microwaves for 1 hour. The average SAR was 0.18 W/kg. A variety of proliferative and immunoregulatory properties were examined [...] The results indicated that the RF radiation influenced the monocyte-dependent immunoregulatory mechanisms responsible for the initiation of the immune response [...] The authors conclude that the immunostimulatory effects of 1300 MHz pulsed microwaves preferentially affect the immunogenic function of monocytes in vitro.”2
These two references may help identify a potential cause for the bizarre array of symptoms which have been noted above. The reference by Dr Cherry to “neoplasms of bone or muscle" actually identifies RF radiation as a possible cause of my spinal scoliosis. In addition, the evidence that my immune system was adversely affected from the age of six onwards, is also potentially explicable in the same terms. Research by Belpomme3 indicates that electromagnetic fields from radio communication devices cause increased histamine levels, and other hormonal irregularities, in sensitive individuals. This suggests a potential causal connection between exposure to RFR and my development of hay fever in the year following my tonsillectomy.
Elsewhere in this section (see: Technological Imperatives), and on pp.26-32 of my report, I have suggested that the implanted devices revealed in the first and second MRI scans must relate to some form of communication device (otherwise, what would be the point of them?). I understand therefore that part of this device must emit some form of high-frequency analogue radio signal, which would explain the source of RFR. Some of the likely medical and technological imperatives behind this bizarre medical enterprise are suggested in the page Technological Imperatives.
21 March 2021
- Cherry Dr N., Health Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation. Evidence for the Australian Senate Committee, Lincoln University Christchurch, Po Box 84, Canterbury, New Zealand: http://somr.info/rfr/lib/90_m1_EMR_Australian_Senate_Evidence_8-9-2000.pdf [back]
- Dabrowski M.P.; Stankiewicz W.; Kubacki R.; Sobiczewska E.; et al, Immunotropic effects in cultured human blood mononuclear cells pre-exposed to low-level 1300 MHz pulse-modulated microwave field, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine vol.22, no.1, pp.1-13, 2003: http://somr.info/rfr/lib/ImmunEffects.pdf [back]
- Belpomme, D., Professor of Clinical Oncology, University of Paris-Descartes, Clinical and biological description of the electromagnetic field intolerance syndrome (EMFIS), 8th National Congress on Electrosmog, Berne, 2011: http://somr.info/rfr/lib/Belpomme_2011.pdf [back]